Friday, December 29, 2006

Veracity of Christianity

I base all of my opinions on the Bible, the Holy Book of Christianity. I disagree with everything that disagrees with the Bible.

One might ask me, "How do you know the Bible and Christianity is true? How do you know you're not wrong? Many other people like Muslims and Buddhists believe just as sincerely in their religion as you do yours, so how can you say you're right and the others are wrong?"

These are valid questions. Truth is the most important issue anyone could consider. All people should ask these sorts of questions of themselves, how do I know my core beliefs on truth really are true?

When the world's religions are compared, one can only come to one logical conclusion: 0nly one religion, if any, can be right. The religions terribly contradict each other in their teachings: Eastern religions say everything is god, and worship idols, when others like Islam and Christianity teach there is only One God, separate from creation, and worship should be directed to Him, not idols. Other religions teach a person must earn their conception of paradise by deeds, works, and acheivement, while Christianity teaches that no one can earn eternal life, but it is given as a free gift to anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ as his Savior - salvation by faith, not works.

In response to these questions, I do have reasons for what I believe. In my personal journey of study of the different religions, I now hold strong conviction that Christianity, as outlined in the Bible, is true, and other belief systems are false, deceiving, and mislead - this may seem to be an audacious, crass statement to the politically correct postmodernists of today, but the evidence for Christianity is so strong in comparison to the evidence for other systems, I can say it confidently. Jesus Christ is, as He said, "the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." (Jn 14:6).

Many scholars, atheists, agnostics, and skeptics have examined Christianity and put it to the test - men like C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, Sir William Ramsay, and Dr. Simon Greenleaf - and then find themselves moving from open hostility toward Christianity to becoming Christians themselves because of the great weight of evidence their investigation produced.

Developing a strong argument for Christian truth is a little bit too lengthy for this blog, so to examine the evidence for yourself, read the article, "Christian Evidences" by David Bishop.

I challenge you to examine the evidence for yourself, and also read the follow up article, "Christianity Compared to Other Religions." In light of the fact that 10 out of 10 people die, it would be utter foolishness to not embark on a quest to discover which belief system is true.

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