Saturday, September 15, 2007

Emmy or Jesus?

There has been some buzz over Kathy Griffin's comments about Jesus. See FoxNews report

She mentioned Jesus at the Emmy awards, and now her comments are going to be edited out when it appears on television. Before our evangelical reader derides them as another example of hollywood discrimination against mentioning anything about Christianity in public, look at what she said: "A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus." She then said a deragatory remark to Jesus that I won't include here, then said, "This award is my god now!"

I don't mind her remarks being censored, but at the same time it is profitable to see, because it demonstrates the vanity of a worldview against God. It seems Ms. Griffin does not want to bow her knee to anyone or anything except something she has earned on her own, a construction of her own self and personal acheivement. Okay. She does not want to give the Son of God - who created her, died for her, gave her every talent she has and holds her breath in His hand - any credit or worship for her achievements. Her alternative? She worships an award. A little metal thingy (or is it plastic?). The infinately wide difference in value between Yaweh and an emmy award cannot be comprehended by me. But she seems totally clueless of this difference and thinks the award as much better than Jesus. Hard to believe.

Oh well. She can keep and worship her little metal thingy. As for me, I will pursue my Lord and my God.

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